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公司总部在深圳市,同时在惠州市、贵港市设分厂,总面积达4000多平米。公司拥有近10年的专业生产手表经验,专业生产制造锌合金和铜材质的手表、表壳、表带、皮带及饰品。产品种类众多,拥有自开模生产的款式上千款,涵概商务手表、礼品手表、广告手表、情侣手表、运动手表、卡通手表、手链手饰表和各类饰品。目前设有产品设计部、市场营销部、产品生产部、质量检测部及售后服务部等,其中产品生产部下辖自制模具组、压铸组、车床组、雕刻组、钻壳组、钻带组、抛光组、包装组、成表组,且配备表带自动冲批锋、钻孔一体机专利技术。在厂职工250余人 ,能够独立完成表壳、表带、表面、成表及包装等一整套生产加工,尤其擅长合金套装生产,曾创单月产25万套表带、15万个表壳的佳绩。成表月出厂量在10-15万只之间,合金套装月出厂量在15-20万套。拥有先进的生产设备和技术,高素质的管理人员,优质的员工队伍,实力雄厚。长期承接OEM&ODM订单,遵循相关质量标准, 以先进的加工技术生产各式中、低档手表,质量优良,交货快且准时。


As one of the professional manufacture of watches industry in Shenzhen, ShenzhenWenshi Watches Industry Co., Ltd. (Hereinafter referred to as Wenshi)integrates a comprehensive manufacturing process that extends from creating awatch's individual components to its final assembly. Since its foundation in2007, formerly known as Shenzhen Jinming Watches Factory, Wenshi was quicklygain the competitive edge by strong technical strength and excellent servicequality in alloy parts production and processing.

The company is Shenzhen based, while in Huizhou, Guigang branch provided atotal area of 4000 square meters. The company has nearly 10 years professionalexperience in the production of copper and zinc alloy materials complete watches,watch case, strap and other accessories. There are many kinds of products;there are thousands of models, including commercial watches, gift watches,advertisement watches, couples watches, sports watches, cartoons watches,bracelet jewelry watches and all kinds of accessories. Nowadays, the companyhave product design department, marketing department, production department,quality testing department and after-sale service, and the production consistof Homemade mould work group, Die-casting work group, Lathe work group,sculpture work group, drilling case and strap work group, polishing work group,packing work group and complete watches work group, and equipped with strapsautomatic flushing flash, drilling machine patented technology. More than 250workers in the factory, all of them can complete produce watches especially atalloy suit, they have made a record that they produce 250000 watchbands, 150000watchcase a month. The plant can turn out 100000-150000 complete watch and150000-20000 alloy suits. The company has advanced production equipment andtechnology, high-quality management personnel, high-quality workforce.

“Focus on watch, Focus on service” is the core value of Wenshi,"Honesty, Innovation" is the fundamental principle of Wenshi. Happyto provide you with high –quality and professional services, welcome to inquireor visit Wenshi.

0755-23731524 13682470589